Saturday, September 29, 2012


Hello everyone,

Welcome to my blog. I’ve been meaning to do this for quite some time but I figured today was the day! Whether you are a part of the ABDL community or not I’d like to give you my most humble welcome. Hugs!! 

I’ll start off by saying that I’ve actually only been in the community for about 2 or so years. I have a little ABDL Sissy boy who I love so much! He actually introduced me to this. I’ll put up some cute pictures of us soon. He’s the little light of my life and I can’t imagine not having him around.

I first got into ABDL from him. I’m not ganna lie. The first thought that popped into my mind was; ‘That wasn’t what I was expecting.’ but luckily I’m a very open minded individual. I did think back to that one episode of CSI. Let’s all take a moment of silence. Moving on…..but I was actually really interested to know more than what I had seen. I wanted to know about it from his perspective. He gladly(if not a little reluctantly) told me about it. Long story short, here I am!! 2 something years later and I’m in love with the idea of being his momma. He’s just so damn cute.

I’m sure you all have a lot of questions….if anybody reads this. I’ll be happy to answer them all. ^_^

My next Post should be very soon! let me know if there’s anything in particular you would like me to post about. 

Please, No spamming. I have requests daily to peoples momma’s and I’m not that interested right now(if ever).


  1. Can you please buy me some abdl diapers and a paci im poor so i cant afford abdl diapers

  2. I would love to get to know u more as a mommy
